Source code for pydgilib_extra.dgilib_logger

"""This module wraps the logging functionality for DGILibExtra."""

from os import getcwd
from time import time

from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_data import LoggerData
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_extra_config import (
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_plot import DGILibPlot

[docs]class DGILibLogger(object): """Wraps the logging functionality for DGILibExtra. Interfaces: - GPIO mode - Power mode """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate DGILibInterfacePower object.""" self.dgilib_extra = kwargs.get( "dgilib_extra", args[0] if args else None) # Get enabled loggers self.loggers = kwargs.get("loggers", self.dgilib_extra.default_loggers) # Enable the csv logger if file_name_base or log_folder has been # specified. if LOGGER_CSV not in self.loggers and ("file_name_base" in kwargs or "log_folder" in kwargs): self.loggers.append(LOGGER_CSV) # file_name_base - merely the optional base of the filename # (Preferably leave standard). # log_folder - where log files will be saved self.file_name_base = kwargs.get("file_name_base", FILE_NAME_BASE) self.log_folder = kwargs.get("log_folder", getcwd()) # Enable the plot logger if figure has been specified. if (LOGGER_PLOT not in self.loggers and ("fig" in kwargs or "ax" in kwargs)): self.loggers.append(LOGGER_PLOT) # Set self.figure if LOGGER_PLOT enabled # Create axes self.axes if LOGGER_PLOT is enabled if LOGGER_PLOT in self.loggers: self.plotobj = DGILibPlot(self.dgilib_extra, *args, **kwargs) self.refresh_plot = self.plotobj.refresh_plot self.plot_still_exists = self.plotobj.plot_still_exists self.keep_plot_alive = self.plotobj.keep_plot_alive # Force logging in object if logging in plot if (LOGGER_OBJECT not in self.loggers): self.loggers.append(LOGGER_OBJECT)
[docs] def start(self): """Call to start logging.""" if LOGGER_CSV in self.loggers: for interface in self.dgilib_extra.interfaces.values(): interface.init_csv_writer(self.log_folder) # Start the data polling self.start_polling() # Create data structure if LOGGER_OBJECT is enabled if LOGGER_OBJECT in self.loggers: self.dgilib_extra.empty_data()
[docs] def update_callback(self, return_data=False): """Call to get new data.""" if return_data: logger_data = LoggerData() # Get data for interface_id, interface in self.dgilib_extra.interfaces.items(): # Read from the interface interface_data = # Check if any data has arrived if interface_data: if LOGGER_CSV in self.loggers: interface.csv_write_rows(interface_data) # Merge data into if LOGGER_OBJECT is enabled if LOGGER_OBJECT in self.loggers:[interface_id] += interface_data # Update the plot if LOGGER_PLOT is enabled if LOGGER_PLOT in self.loggers: self.plotobj.update_plot( if return_data: logger_data[interface_id] += interface_data # Return the data if return_data: return logger_data
[docs] def stop(self, return_data=False): """Call to stop logging.""" # Stop the data polling self.stop_polling() # Get last data from buffer if LOGGER_OBJECT in self.loggers: self.update_callback() else: data = self.update_callback(return_data) # Close file handle if LOGGER_CSV in self.loggers: for interface in self.dgilib_extra.interfaces.values(): interface.close_csv_writer() if LOGGER_OBJECT in self.loggers: return elif return_data: return data
[docs] def log(self, duration=10, stop_function=None, min_duration=0.2): """Run the logger for the specified amount of time. Parameters ---------- duration : int Amount of time to log data (default: `10`). stop_function : callable Function that will be evaluated on the collected data. If it returns `True` the logging will be stopped even if the duration has not been reached (default: `None`). Returns ------- LoggerData Returns the logged data as a :class:`LoggerData` object if `LOGGER_OBJECT` was passed to the logger. """ self.start() if LOGGER_PLOT in self.loggers: # So that the plot has xmax (being time) as big as duration now if self.plotobj is type(DGILibPlot): self.plotobj.xmax = duration cur_time = time() end_time = cur_time + duration min_time = cur_time + min_duration if stop_function is None: while time() < end_time: self.update_callback() elif LOGGER_OBJECT in self.loggers: while cur_time < end_time: self.update_callback() if (cur_time > min_time) and \ stop_function( break cur_time = time() else: while cur_time < end_time: if (cur_time > min_time) and \ stop_function(self.update_callback(True)): break cur_time = time() self.stop() if LOGGER_OBJECT in self.loggers: return
[docs] def which_polling(self, interface_ids=None): """which_polling Determines on which polling types need to be started or stopped based on the interface ids and instantiated interfaces in dgilib extra. Parameters ---------- interface_ids : list List of interface ids (default: all enabled interfaces) Returns ------- tuple(bool, bool, ...) Tuple of bool that are `True` when that interface type should be started or stopped """ if interface_ids is None: interface_ids = self.dgilib_extra.enabled_interfaces polling = power = False for interface_id in interface_ids: polling |= POLLING == \ self.dgilib_extra.interfaces[interface_id].polling_type power |= POWER == \ self.dgilib_extra.interfaces[interface_id].polling_type return polling, power
[docs] def start_polling(self, interface_ids=None): """start_polling Starts polling on the specified interfaces. By default polling will be started for all enabled interfaces. Parameters ---------- interface_ids : list(int) List of interface ids (default: all enabled interfaces) """ polling, power = self.which_polling(interface_ids) if polling: self.dgilib_extra.start_polling() if power: self.dgilib_extra.auxiliary_power_start()
[docs] def stop_polling(self, interface_ids=None): """stop_polling Stops polling on the specified interfaces. By default polling will be stopped for all enabled interfaces. Parameters ---------- interface_ids : list(int) List of interface ids (default: all enabled interfaces) """ polling, power = self.which_polling(interface_ids) if polling: self.dgilib_extra.stop_polling() if power: self.dgilib_extra.auxiliary_power_stop()