Source code for pydgilib_extra.dgilib_interface_gpio

"""This module wraps the calls to the GPIO interface."""

from pydgilib.dgilib_config import INTERFACE_GPIO
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_extra_config import NUM_PINS
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_interface import DGILibInterface
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_calculations import GPIOAugmentEdges
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_data import InterfaceData

# TODO: make these functions faster/better?
[docs]def int2bool(i): """int2bool Convert int to tuple of bool. Parameters ---------- i : int The `int` value to be converted. """ return tuple(bit is '1' for bit in reversed(bin(i)[2:].zfill(NUM_PINS)))
[docs]def bool2int(b): """bool2int Convert iterable of bool to int. Parameters ---------- b : bool The `bool` value to be converted. """ return int(''.join('1' if d else '0' for d in reversed(b)), 2)
[docs]class DGILibInterfaceGPIO(DGILibInterface): """Wraps the calls to the GPIO interface.""" interface_id = INTERFACE_GPIO name = "gpio" csv_header = ["timestamp"] + [f"gpio{n}" for n in range(NUM_PINS)] default_gpio_delay_time = 0.00075 @staticmethod def _csv_reader_map(row): return float(row[0]), [value == "True" for value in row[1:]] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate DGILibInterfaceGPIO object.""" # Set default values for attributes self.read_mode = [True] * NUM_PINS self.write_mode = [False] * NUM_PINS # Add read and write mode to kwargs so they get set in the super class # constructor if "read_mode" not in kwargs: kwargs["read_mode"] = self.read_mode if "write_mode" not in kwargs: kwargs["write_mode"] = self.write_mode # Instantiate base class DGILibInterface.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Parse arguments # By default augment gpio with delay of self.default_gpio_delay_time if kwargs.get("augment_gpio", True) or "gpio_delay_time" in kwargs or \ "gpio_switch_time" in kwargs: self.augment_gpio = True self.gpio_delay_time = kwargs.get( "gpio_delay_time", self.default_gpio_delay_time) self.gpio_switch_time = kwargs.get("gpio_switch_time", 0) self.gpio_augment_edges_streaming = GPIOAugmentEdges() self.gpio_augment_edges = \ self.gpio_augment_edges_streaming.gpio_augment_edges # NOTE: Might not be the best place to do this if self.dgilib_extra is not None and \ self.dgilib_extra.timer_factor is None: self.dgilib_extra.timer_factor = \ self.dgilib_extra.get_time_factor() if self.verbose: print("read_mode: ", self.read_mode) print("write_mode: ", self.write_mode) print("augment_gpio: ", self.augment_gpio) if self.augment_gpio: print("gpio_delay_time: ", self.gpio_delay_time) print("gpio_switch_time: ", self.gpio_switch_time)
[docs] def get_config(self): """get_config Get the pin-mode for the GPIO pins. The GPIO configuration controls the direction of the pins. Input pins: Setting a bit to 1 means the pin is monitored. Output pins: Setting a bit to 1 means the pin is set to output and can be controlled by the send command. Returns ------- tuple(list(bool, bool, bool, bool), list(bool, bool, bool, bool)) Tuple of: * List of read modes, Setting a pin to True means the pin is \ monitored. * List of write modes, Setting a pin to True means the pin is set \ to output and can be controlled by the send command. """ # Get the configuration _, config_value = self.dgilib_extra.interface_get_configuration( INTERFACE_GPIO) # Convert int to lists of bool read_mode = int2bool(config_value[0]) write_mode = int2bool(config_value[1]) return read_mode, write_mode
[docs] def set_config(self, *args, **kwargs): """set_config Set the pin-mode for the GPIO pins. The GPIO configuration controls the direction of the pins, and enables the interface if needed. Input pins: Setting a bit to 1 means the pin is monitored. Output pins: Setting a bit to 1 means the pin is set to output and can be controlled by the send command. If any of the pins are set to read mode or write mode the GPIO interface will be enabled. If none of the pins are set to read mode or write mode the GPIO interface will be disabled. Parameters ---------- read_mode : list(bool, bool, bool, bool) List of modes. Setting a pin to `True` means the pin is monitored. write_mode : list(bool, bool, bool, bool) List of modes. Setting a pin to `True` means the pin is set to output and can be controlled by the send command. """ # Set the configuration if "read_mode" in kwargs: self.read_mode = kwargs["read_mode"] self.dgilib_extra.interface_set_configuration( INTERFACE_GPIO, [0], [bool2int(self.read_mode)]) if "write_mode" in kwargs: self.write_mode = kwargs["write_mode"] self.dgilib_extra.interface_set_configuration( INTERFACE_GPIO, [1], [bool2int(self.write_mode)])
[docs] def read(self): """read Get the state of the GPIO pins. Clears the buffer and returns the values. Returns ------- tuple(list(float), list(list(bool, bool, bool, bool))) Tuple of list of timestamps in seconds and list of list of pin states (bool). """ # Read the data from the buffer ticks, pin_values = self.dgilib_extra.interface_read_data( INTERFACE_GPIO) pin_values = [int2bool(pin_value) for pin_value in pin_values] timestamps = [tick * self.dgilib_extra.timer_factor for tick in ticks] if self.verbose >= 2: print(f"Collected {len(pin_values)} gpio samples ({NUM_PINS} " + "pins per sample)") if self.augment_gpio: interface_data = InterfaceData(timestamps, pin_values) self.gpio_augment_edges( interface_data, self.gpio_delay_time, self.gpio_switch_time) return interface_data else: return InterfaceData(timestamps, pin_values)
[docs] def write(self, pin_values): """write Set the state of the GPIO pins. Make sure to set the pin to write mode first. Possibly also needs to be configured properly on the board A maximum of 255 elements can be written each time. An error return code will be given if data hasn’t been written yet. Parameters ---------- pin_values : list(bool, bool, bool, bool) List of pin values. Has to include all four pins. """ # TODO: Test if it has to include all four pins # Convert list of bool to int pin_values = bool2int(pin_values) self.dgilib_extra.interface_write_data(INTERFACE_GPIO, [pin_values]) if self.verbose >= 2: print(f"Sent gpio packet")
[docs] def csv_write_rows(self, interface_data): """csv_write_rows """ self.csv_writer.writerows( zip(interface_data.timestamps, *map(iter, zip(*interface_data.values))))