Source code for pydgilib_extra.dgilib_extra

"""This module provides user friendly way to interact with the DGILib API."""

from time import sleep

from pydgilib.dgilib import DGILib

from pydgilib.dgilib_config import (
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_extra_config import (INTERFACE_POWER, LOGGER_CSV)
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_logger import DGILibLogger
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_data import LoggerData
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_interface import DGILibInterface
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_interface_gpio import DGILibInterfaceGPIO
from pydgilib_extra.dgilib_interface_power import DGILibInterfacePower

[docs]class DGILibExtra(DGILib): """A user friendly way to interact with the DGILib API.""" default_enabled_interfaces = [INTERFACE_GPIO, INTERFACE_POWER] default_loggers = [LOGGER_CSV] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Instantiate DGILibExtra object.""" # Add modules as classes (will be replaced by objects when used) self.logger = DGILibLogger self.interfaces = {INTERFACE_GPIO: DGILibInterfaceGPIO, INTERFACE_POWER: DGILibInterfacePower} # Set default values for attributes self.available_interfaces = [] self.enabled_interfaces = [] self.timer_factor = None = None # Instantiate base class DGILib.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Store arguments self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs # Instantiate logger if self.kwargs.get("loggers", self.default_loggers): self.logger = self.logger(self, *self.args, **self.kwargs) if self.verbose >= 2: print("args: ", args) print("kwargs: ", kwargs)
[docs] def __enter__(self): """For usage in ``with DGILibExtra() as dgilib:`` syntax.""" DGILib.__enter__(self) self.available_interfaces = self.interface_list() if INTERFACE_POWER_DATA in self.available_interfaces: self.available_interfaces.append(INTERFACE_POWER) # Instantiate interface objects and enable the interfaces for interface_id in self.kwargs.get( "interfaces", self.default_enabled_interfaces): if interface_id in self.interfaces: self.interfaces[interface_id] = self.interfaces[interface_id]( self, *self.args, **self.kwargs) else: self.interfaces[interface_id] = DGILibInterface( self, *self.args, **self.kwargs) self.interfaces[interface_id].enable() return self
[docs] def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """For usage in ``with DGILibExtra() as dgilib:`` syntax.""" for interface in self.interfaces.values(): interface.disable() DGILib.__exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
[docs] def info(self): """Get the build information of DGILib. Returns ------- tuple(str, str, str, str, str, str) Version information of DGILib: - major_version: the major_version of DGILib - minor_version: the minor_version of DGILib - build_number: the build number of DGILib. 0 if not supported - major_fw: the major firmware version of the connected DGI device - minor_fw: the minor firmware version of the connected DGI device """ major_version = self.get_major_version() minor_version = self.get_minor_version() build_number = self.get_build_number() major_fw, minor_fw = self.get_fw_version() return major_version, minor_version, build_number, major_fw, minor_fw
[docs] def device_reset(self, duration=1): """device_reset Set the device reset line for duration seconds.""" self.target_reset(True) sleep(duration) self.target_reset(False)
[docs] def get_time_factor(self): """get_time_factor Get the factor to multiply timestamps by to get seconds. Returns ------- float Timer factor """ _, config_value = self.interface_get_configuration(INTERFACE_TIMESTAMP) timer_prescaler = config_value[0] timer_frequency = config_value[1] if self.verbose: print( f"timer_factor: {timer_prescaler / timer_frequency}, " f"timer_prescaler: {timer_prescaler}, timer_frequency: " f"{timer_frequency}") return timer_prescaler / timer_frequency
[docs] def empty_data(self, interfaces=None): """empty_data Populate with an empty data structure (of type :class:`LoggerData`). Parameters ---------- interfaces : list(int, int, ...) List of interface ids. (default: `self.enabled_interfaces`) """ if interfaces is None: interfaces = self.enabled_interfaces = LoggerData(interfaces)