atprogram package


atprogram.atprogram module

Python bindings for make and atprogram.

class atprogram.atprogram.SavePrint(return_output)[source]

Bases: object

A helper class to store standard output or print if return_output is false.


return_output (bool) – If True, the output is returned but not printed. If False, the output is printed.


Holds the text that was taken from standard output.




s (str) – A string to be added to the output.

atprogram.atprogram.atprogram(project_path=None, device_name='ATSAML11E16A', verbose=0, clean=False, build=True, erase=True, program=True, verify=False, tool='EDBG', interface='SWD', atmel_studio_path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Atmel\\Studio\\7.0', make_path=None, atprogram_path=None, configuration='Debug', device_sn=None, jobs='8', make_command=None, atprogram_command=None, return_output=False, dry_run=False)[source]

This function accesses the atprogram.exe program from Atmel Studio’s installation directory, to automatically compile and flash code on Atmel boards.

This function can compile projects and write them to a device. It determines what to do based on the arguments it gets. Specify at least one of either project_path, make_command or atprogram_command.


WARNING: This function works only on projects that have been built at least once. The function makes use of the makefiles that are only generated by Atmel Studio.


NOTE: Verifying that the code has been flashed correctly to the board is known to return 23. This also happens when using atprogram.exe from the command line. This has been experienced with the Atmel board model ATSAML11E16A.

  • project_path (str) – Location where the project resides. If it ends in .elf the elf file will be used. If it ends in Makefile the Makefile will be used. Otherwise it should be a path to a folder which holds the Debug folder. (the default is None, which will return an error)

  • device_name (str, optional) – Device name. E.g. “atxmega128a1” or “at32uc3a0256”. (the default is "ATSAML11E16A", which is a variant of the Atmel SAM L11 board)

  • verbose (int, optional) –

    Specify the verbosity of the atprogram function:

    • 0: Silent

    • 1: Info

    • 2: Debug

    • 3: List

    (the default is 0, which only prints compiler error and/or warnings)

  • clean (bool, optional) – Run make clean in the provided project_path, if True (the default is False)

  • build (bool, optional) – Run make all in the provided project_path, if True (the default is True)

  • erase (bool, optional) – Run atprogram chiperase if True (the default is True)

  • program (bool, optional) – Run atprogram program if True (the default is True)

  • verify (bool, optional) – Run atprogram verify if True (the default is False)

  • tool (str, optional) – Tool’s name. Available options are: avrdragon, avrispmk2, avrone, jtagice3, jtagicemkii, qt600, stk500, stk600, samice, edbg, medbg, nedbg, atmelice, pickit4, powerdebugger, megadfu or flip. (the default is “EDBG”, being the Atmel® Embedded Debugger, which is what the Atmel board of model ATSAML11E16A uses)

  • interface (str, optional) – Physical interface. Available options are: aWire, debugWIRE, HVPP, HVSP, ISP, JTAG, PDI, UPDI, TPI or SWD. (the default is “SWD”, which is what the Atmel board of model ATSAML11E16A uses)

  • atmel_studio_path (str, optional) – Specify the location where Atmel Studio is installed. Note that the path usually ends in a folder name corresponding to the version name e.g. 7.0 (the default is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0”), which is the default installation location of Atmel Studio 7.0)

  • make_path (str, optional) – Specify the path to make.exe, which should be the location of a GNU make installation for Windows. (the default is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\shellutils\make.exe”, as Atmel Studio already provides a GNU make installation for Windows)

  • atprogram_path (str, optional) – Specify the location where atprogram.exe is installed. (the default is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\atbackend\ atprogram.exe”, as it is included with the installation of Atmel Studio)

  • configuration (str, optional) – Specify which configuration of the Atmel Studio solution project should be used for compilation, flashing, etc. Most common options are: Release, Debug. (the default is “Debug”)

  • device_sn (str, optional) – The programmer/debugger’s serial number. Must be specified when more than one debugger is connected. (the default is None, as it is common to have a single programmer/debugger connected)

  • jobs (int, optional) – How many jobs make should use (the default is getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"), which takes your number of processor cores available)

  • make_command (str, optional) – Other options to specify to make, similar to the command line [options] [target] ... (the default is None, which means no extra commands/options)

  • atprogram_command (str, optional) – Other command(s) to pass to atprogram, similar to the command line arguments. This will be passed as: -d {device_name} -i {interface} [options] <command> [arguments] [<command> [arguments] ...]. (the default is None, which means no extra commands/options)

  • return_output (bool, optional) – If True the return value will be the output, else it will be the return code (the default is False, which means the return value is the return code of atprogram.exe or make)

  • dry_run (bool, optional) – Whether to run the commands using the subprocess module or just print the commands. (the default is False, which means the commands are indeed run using the subprocess module)


ValueError – Need to specify at least one of project_path, make_command or atprogram_command.


Depending on the return_output value, objects of different type are returned by this function.

If the return_output value is False, then it returns a non-zero return value indicates the subprocess call returned an error.

If return_output is True, then it returns a string holding the text returned by atprogram.exe or make.

Return type

int or str

atprogram.atprogram.get_device_info(device_name='ATSAML11E16A', verbose=0, tool='EDBG', interface='SWD', atmel_studio_path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Atmel\\Studio\\7.0', atprogram_path=None, device_sn=None)[source]

Polls the connected board for information, such as: target voltage, general device information (name, JTAG ID, CPU architecture,board series, DAL (debug access levels fuses status) and memory information regarding the address space and fuses).

  • device_name (str, optional) – Device name. E.g. “atxmega128a1” or “at32uc3a0256”. (the default is "ATSAML11E16A", which is a variant of the Atmel SAM L11 board)

  • verbose (int, optional) – Print most of atprogram output, if value is 1, and print debugging information as well, if value is 2 (the default is 0, which is to print only compiler warnings and errors)

  • tool (str, optional) – Tool’s name. Available options are: avrdragon, avrispmk2, avrone, jtagice3, jtagicemkii, qt600, stk500, stk600, samice, edbg, medbg, nedbg, atmelice, pickit4, powerdebugger, megadfu or flip. (the default is “EDBG”, being the Atmel® Embedded Debugger, which is what the Atmel board of model ATSAML11E16A uses)

  • interface (str, optional) – Physical interface. Available options are: aWire, debugWIRE, HVPP, HVSP, ISP, JTAG, PDI, UPDI, TPI or SWD. (the default is “SWD”, which is what the Atmel board of model ATSAML11E16A uses)

  • atmel_studio_path (str, optional) – Specify the location where Atmel Studio is installed. Note that the path usually ends in a folder name corresponding to the version name e.g. 7.0 (the default is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\ Studio\7.0”), which is the default installation location of Atmel Studio 7.0)

  • atprogram_path (str, optional) – Specify the location where atprogram.exe is installed. (the default is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\Studio\7.0\atbackend\ atprogram.exe”, as it is included with the installation of Atmel Studio)

  • device_sn (str, optional) – The programmer/debugger’s serial number. Must be specified when more than one debugger is connected. (the default is None, as it is common to have a single programmer/debugger connected)


The device information.

Return type


atprogram.atprogram.get_project_size(project_path, device_name='ATSAML11E16A', verbose=0, tool='EDBG', interface='SWD', atmel_studio_path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Atmel\\Studio\\7.0', make_path=None, configuration='Debug', device_sn=None, jobs='8')[source]

Returns a dictionary object with the information about the sizes of the program segments/sections (text, data, BSS) that usually make up a computer program, and that are in the .elf file compiled from the Atmel Studio project at project_path.

The dictionary object returned specifically contains the text, data and bss sizes of the respective program segments, but also includes dec and hex values which are the decimal and, respectively, the hexadecimal value of the sum of text, data and bss, making up to the whole program size to be flashed to the Atmel board.

The returned dictionary object also contains the filename of the .elf file.


All of the information returned by this function is obtained after a new compilation, of the Atmel project located at project_path, using the atprogram() function.

  • project_path (str) – Location where the project resides. If it ends in .elf the elf file will be used. If it ends in Makefile the Makefile will be used. Otherwise it should be a path to a folder which holds the Debug folder. (the default is None, which will return an error)

  • device_name (str, optional) – Device name. E.g. “atxmega128a1” or “at32uc3a0256”. (the default is "ATSAML11E16A", which is a variant of the Atmel SAM L11 board)

  • verbose (int, optional) – Print most of atprogram output, if value is 1, and print debugging information as well, if value is 2 (the default is 0, which is to print only compiler warnings and errors)

  • tool (str, optional) – Tool’s name. Available options are: avrdragon, avrispmk2, avrone, jtagice3, jtagicemkii, qt600, stk500, stk600, samice, edbg, medbg, nedbg, atmelice, pickit4, powerdebugger, megadfu or flip. (the default is “EDBG”, being the Atmel® Embedded Debugger, which is what the Atmel board of model ATSAML11E16A uses)

  • interface (str, optional) – Physical interface. Available options are: aWire, debugWIRE, HVPP, HVSP, ISP, JTAG, PDI, UPDI, TPI or SWD. (the default is “SWD”, which is what the Atmel board of model ATSAML11E16A uses)

  • atmel_studio_path (str, optional) – Specify the location where Atmel Studio is installed. Note that the path usually ends in a folder name corresponding to the version name e.g. 7.0 (the default is “C:Program Files (x86)AtmelStudio7.0”), which is the default installation location of Atmel Studio 7.0)

  • make_path (str, optional) – Specify the path to make.exe, which should be the location of a GNU make installation for Windows. (the default is “C:Program Files (x86)AtmelStudio7.0shellutilsmake.exe”, as Atmel Studio already provides a GNU make installation for Windows)

  • configuration (str, optional) – Specify which configuration of the Atmel Studio solution project should be used for compilation, flashing, etc. Most common options are: Release, Debug. (the default is “Debug”)

  • device_sn (str, optional) – The programmer/debugger’s serial number. Must be specified when more than one debugger is connected. (the default is None, as it is common to have a single programmer/debugger connected)

  • jobs (int, optional) – How many jobs make should use (the default is getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"), which takes your number of processor cores available)


A dictionary of sizes of the sections, the total size and the file name. The keys of the dictionary are: "text", "data" "dss", "hex" and "filename".

Return type


Module contents

This module provides Python bindings for make and atprogram.